
Ol Kochur Bhorta: The Secret Delicious Recipe for Taste and Health

Ol Kochur Bhorta, a traditional Bengali dish, holds immense cultural significance and is cherished for its delectable flavours and numerous health benefits. This article explores the roots of Ol Kochur Bhorta and delves into its versatility as a versatile ingredient. We will also uncover the unique preparation methods, cultural rituals, and the art of preparing this dish. Additionally, we’ll take a closer look at the various health benefits associated with consuming Ol Kochur Bhorta and its variations.

Understanding Ol Kochu (Taro) and its Versatility

Origin and Characteristics of Ol Kochu

Ol Kochu, also known as Taro, traces its roots back to South Asia. It is a perennial tropical plant that belongs to the Araceae family. This tuberous root vegetable has a unique purplish or white flesh, depending on the variety. With a thick, hairy outer skin, Ol Kochu possesses a distinctive appearance that sets it apart from other vegetables.

Culinary Uses of Ol Kochu

Ol Kochu’s versatility shines through as it can be cooked in various ways. It can be boiled, steamed, mashed, or deep-fried, making it a versatile ingredient in an array of culinary dishes. From curries and soups to stews and stir-fries, Ol Kochu adds a unique flavour and texture to any dish it is used in.

Nutritional Profile of Ol Kochu

Known for its nutritional richness, Ol Kochu is a powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals. It is particularly high in dietary fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. Furthermore, Ol Kochu is low in calories which makes it an excellent choice for those looking to maintain a healthy diet.

How to Make Ol Kachur Bhorta:

Ol Kachur Bhorta is just a spiced Taro that has been mashed. How to prepare this traditional Bengali cuisine is as follows:

Ol Kochur Bhorta Ingredients:

  • 500g medium-sized Ol / Taro
  • 2 red chillies (you can adjust this depending on how spicy you like it)
  • 1 teaspoon nigella seeds/ kalo jeera
  • 1 teaspoon ginger paste
  • 2-3 green chillies chopped
  • 2 tablespoon shredded coconut
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Mustard oil (a type of oil that adds a special Bengali flavour)

Ol Kochur Bhorta Instructions:

Peeling the Ol: To begin crafting the delicious Ol Kochur Bhorta, start by carefully peeling the Taro. These yams should be cut into small pieces. Be cautious as handling them can cause skin itchiness. To safeguard your hands, consider wearing gloves or applying a thin layer of oil to your skin.

Boiling the Ol:  Once peeled and cut, proceed to boil the Taro pieces. Boil them until they become soft enough to be easily pierced with a fork. Once they reach the desired tenderness, drain the water and allow it to cool.

Mashing the Ol:  Once the boiled Taro has cooled down, mash it thoroughly in a spacious bowl. This mashed yam will serve as the heart of your Ol Kochur Bhorta.

Sautéing Red Chilies: In a separate pan, add some mustard oil and sauté the red chilies. Set them aside for later use.

Adding a Delightful Smoky Touch: Now, add nigella seeds, green chilli, and ginger paste to the same pan. Sauté these ingredients until the raw aroma disappears, and they become fragrant.

Introducing the Ol:  Next, introduce the mashed Taro into the pan, along with shredded coconut, salt to taste, and a hint of sugar. Combine these elements thoroughly until they meld together harmoniously.

Seasoning the Bhorta To elevate the taste, incorporate the previously sautéed red chillies into the mixture. For an authentic Bengali flavour, generously drizzle mustard oil over the entire blend.

By following these steps, you can create a flavorful and traditional Bengali dish, Ol Kochur Bhorta, that will undoubtedly tantalize your taste buds and bring the authentic taste of Bengal to your table. Enjoy your culinary masterpiece!

Serving Suggestions:

Ol Kochur Bhorta can be served as a main course with steamed rice or plain white rice. Accompany the dish with a side of dal (lentil soup) or a simple Bengali fish curry for a complete Bengali meal experience.

FAQ On Ol Kochur Bhorta:

Q: What Is the Best Time to Consume Ol Kochur Bhorta?

A: Ol Kochur Bhorta is enjoyed throughout the year, but it is particularly favoured during the winter months when its warming qualities are cherished. However, Ol Kochur Bhorta can be enjoyed at any time, adjusting the flavours and spices to suit personal preferences.

Q: Can Ol Kochur Bhorta Be Made Ahead of Time?

A: Yes, Ol Kochur Bhorta can be made ahead of time. It can be stored in the refrigerator for a day or two without compromising its taste and quality. Ensure to refrigerate it in an airtight container to preserve its flavours.

Q: Can Ol Kochur Bhorta Be Frozen for Later Use?

A: While Ol Kochur Bhorta can be frozen, it is important to note that freezing may alter its texture slightly. To freeze Ol Kochur Bhorta, place it in freezer-safe containers, ensuring all the air is removed. Thaw it in the refrigerator overnight before reheating and consuming.

Related Post:


Ol Kochur Bhorta: The Secret Delicious Recipe for Taste and Health

Cuisine: Bengali Cuisine


Prep time


Cooking time






  • 500g medium-sized Ol / Taro

  • 2 red chilies (you can adjust this depending on how spicy you like it)

  • 1 teaspoon nigella seeds/ kalo jeera

  • 1 teaspoon ginger paste

  • 2-3 green chilies chopped

  • Salt to taste

  • Mustard oil (a type of oil that adds a special Bengali flavor)


  • Carefully peel the Ol / Taro. Cut the Ol into small pieces. Consider applying a thin layer of oil to your skin to avoid skin itchiness while handling the ol /Taro.

  • Boil the ol / Taro pieces until they become soft enough. Drain the water and allow the boiled OL / Taro to cool.


  • Once the boiled Taro has cooled down, thoroughly mash it in a bowl. This mashed ol / Taro will be the main component of your Ol Kochur Bhorta.

  • In a separate pan, sauté red chilies in mustard oil. Set the sautéed red chilies aside for later use.

  • In the same pan, add nigella seeds, green chilli, and ginger paste. Sauté these ingredients until the raw aroma disappears and they become fragrant.

  • Add the mashed Ol / Taro into the pan with the sautéed ingredients. Also, add shredded coconut, salt to taste, and a hint of sugar to balance the taste.  Mix all these elements together.

  • To enhance the taste, incorporate the previously sautéed red chilies into the mixture. For an authentic Bengali flavour, generously drizzle mustard oil over the entire blend.

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